Aloha is one of the networks found in the community. We do not endorse the Aloha network, and they should be approached with caution, as crpyto trade may be banned in your jurisdiction. Always check with local laws before engaging with this list for any purpose other than education or research.


Aloha currently has 0 seed nodes online, out of 3 total nodes, with an average of about 50 peers online concurrently. The latency on the network is higher than other networks and has an total uptime of 99% since it's inception. This network was found on Github as a fork. The code divergence from from the orignally forked Haveno is moderate and is pending assesment for malware. Based on the network activity, the risk in loss of value engaging with the network is categorised as low. It's important you based your decision on whether to use this network base on your own assement of the metrics.

Online Seed Nodes
  • 5i6blbmuflq4s4im6zby26a7g22oef6kyp7vbwyru6oq5e36akzo3ayd.onion:2001
  • dx4ktxyiemjc354imehuaswbhqlidhy62b4ifzigk5p2rb37lxqbveqd.onion:2002
  • ajbqx4clnjlr7lmzoftuvpvmqafdiilidsgocvokx6bqj3okk56ccfqd.onion:2003
Accepted Payment Methods
Trading Volume
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How to connect to Aloha haveno network?

You can connect by first downloading haveno to your desktop then once it asks for the seednodes, enter at least 1 of the nodes that are listed online from above. Excerise caution, all networks are third party operated and none are endorsed.

Can I use multiple networks?

Yes, you can but they'll have seperate balances.