Beginner Guides

Best place to get started if you need help quickly and learn the more advanced stuff later on. Here you'll find quick start guides to get you where you need to be skipping some of the advanced details, you'll be given the opportunity in our advanced guides section once you are ready to explore more advanced topics in the Haveno ecosystem

Installing and Configuring Haveno on Mobile

You can either build Haveno from source, download it from the official website, or get it directly from the app store. Choose your preferred method to get started. You'll need to have installed Haveno Desktop first.

Installing Haveno on Desktop

Installing Haveno on your desktop is straightforward as it's a guided process. Simply download the appropriate version for your operating system and follow the installation instructions. 1. Download and Install Haveno Head over to the haveno downloads page and select the version that matches your operating system: * Windows:

Installing and Managing Monero Daemon with Docker or Haveno Daemon GUI

This guide is for absolute beginners who want to install and run a Monero node (monerod) on their local machine. You can do this in two ways: 1. Use Docker Desktop (easier for most people). 2. Use the Haveno Desktop App to manage your node directly (if you already have

How to Backup and Restore your Haveno Account

This guide will focus on backing and restoring your account on Haveno

Installing F-Droid, InviZible and Setting Up Haveno on Android

This guide will walk you through installing F-Droid on your Android device, setting up InviZible in VPN mode, and then installing Haveno to ensure it functions correctly.

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